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A Warm Welcome

Bernadette Kemp-Dabell 

Dip.Hyp, NLP Pract, HPD



Thank you for stopping by to learn more about who I am and what I can help with here at South Yorkshire Hypnotherapy.


              Healing is a journey, not a destination.


Who am I?

Hi, I am Bernadette. I am a qualified hypnotherapist. I work from my private practice in the lovely village of Wickersley, Rotherham, South Yorkshire.


How I work and what I work with.

I work with a range of skills, not only Clinical Hypnotherapy but NLP (Neuro linguistic) and Counselling Skills. As we work together, I will support you with your thoughts, patterns, fears and how this plays out for you daily then I will support you in making the changes you need to help yourself moving forward in a way that feels better for you.


I have a non-judgemental, calm manner, where you will feel safe and supported while we navigate together the changes you are wanting for yourself. I am able to understand and empathise with my clients on a range of issues due to my own experiences and traumas which I also received hypnotherapy for.


Therapy takes as long as it takes, for some it is 2 to 4 sessions and some may take more, every individuals needs are unique so there is no limit on the support, I can offer you. I work with all individuals from a range of different back grounds. I also have a background in working to support teens who have ADD, ADHD (anxiety, panic attacks, low self esteem and more). My work with Women, Men and teens ranges from confidence, trauma, anxiety, grief, loss, exams and more.


About Me

I embarked on this journey of being a therapist to support others in 2018, where I started with the CPCAB counselling studies. I qualified up to level 3 then Covid hit us. In this time, I had time to reflect where I wanted my journey to continue, and I chose Clinical Hypnotherapy to add to what I had already learnt, and I knew I could support my clients the best way I could by adding another technique to my skill set. As I qualified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I decided I wanted to support teens too, so I completed another course in Hypno4Children.


My husband supported my decision to follow this career and continues to support me in following my dream.  As my children grew into teens, I found I had more time to pursue the career I wanted to support and help others. I have 3 sons who are on their own journey to creating a life they want to live, and it has been one of my biggest pleasures in life watching my own children grow and develop into confident young adults. In our family we also have 2 dogs that we adopted last year after losing our two dogs in the same year the year before. Our adopted pets Tilly and Willow are a lovely addition to our family.



Training and Certification

Clinical Hypnotherapy

NLP - Nero Linguistic Practitioner

CPCAB Counselling Skills

Dealing with Narcissism Diploma,

Grief and Bereavement Diploma,

Shadow Mastery,

Anxiety Management,

Eating Disorders Awareness.



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